Friday, June 24, 2016

seven months.

seriously, pinch me people. this kid is growing so fast, i can't keep up!

it's been a really fun and super hot month! we've explored out to grant's farm, splash pads, the swimming pool, and the botanical gardens. i was not built for the hot weather being born and raised in the PNW, so pretty much all of the other days are spent at home playing and trying not to melt. it's only june and it's creeped over 100 degrees? i'm bracing myself for a brutal summer. despite the heat, my three favorite boys and i have had some pretty fun adventures, and i can't wait for our upcoming trip to our family cabin in two weeks! i'm ready for some much needed downtime with my family, my hubby, and my favorite boys in a completely unplugged, secluded cabin in the middle of nowhere. bring. it. on. 

so, what's new with the colbster?

colby is sitting up on his own, and loves scooting around in a circle on the floor. a toy will be a few inches in front of him and he will stretch his body out and reach with all of his might to get it. when he gets it, he squeals and starts kicking his chunky legs so fast. i'd say that crawling is in our close future (what?!). whenever he's not sitting or scooting around, he loves rolling around from back to tummy all over our floor. one of his favorite things to do is a superman pose! he lifts his arms and legs high off the ground and starts kicking and laughing. it's seriously the cutest thing on planet earth. he's still a nursing champ, and wakes up once a night to eat and goes back to sleep. colby refuses to eat solid foods. not just spits it out because of the taste, HE WON'T LET THE SPOON INTO HIS MOUTH. it's pretty hilarious. his current obsessions include sticking anything into his mouth (except for a spoon with food on it), clapping his feet together, saying his first word of "da-da!", playing with his big brother, dancing with his mama, snuggling with his daddy, and waking up right when mommy lays down for bed. we'll keep working on that last part. 

to say that colby is the sweetest child in the universe would be a total understatement. he is perfectly content and never cries unless he is sleepy or hungry. he is still obsessed with his big brother, and is so much fun. if all of my babies could be like colby, i'd have a million of them. feeling so very blessed today.

enjoy this past month of colby's life in snapshots!

happy seven months, colby!

love you forever.

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