Tuesday, May 24, 2016

half a year.

six months ago, i was sitting in a hospital bed, hugely pregnant, and ready to bring our baby boy into the world! and now, we have a chunky, smiley, happy baby that is growing like a weed right before our eyes. time is seriously flyin'! 

what's new with the colbster?

today was his six month appointment at the pediatrician! he weighs 15 pounds and 14 ounces (22%), is 27.5 inches in length (85%), and his head circumference is 45 cm (82%). 

he's sleep trained! halle-freaking-lujah! we tried sleep training him at four months, and it did not work out at all. knowing that we were going to have my sister here for a week, and then travel to alabama for a five day trip, we decided to put it on hold until after. i'm so glad we did! the day after we got back, something totally clicked with colby. he's taking good naps and sleeping super great at night. before this, he was attached to me and would only fall asleep nursing waking up multiple times in the night. so, so thankful that that's over! 

he's starting to push up, scooting around in a circle, and starting to sit up on his own. he's going to be crawling before we know it! he loves playing with toys, rolling all over the place, swinging at the park, and jumping in his exer-saucer. he's seriously getting so big! 

at the age of six months, colby has already visited nine states (missouri, illinois, idaho, utah, alabama, tennessee, kansas, mississippi, and kentucky). i know that he's only six months old and won't remember his trips to these states at all, but to know that he's traveled to certain places will be fun for him to know when he's older. he's already almost a fifth of the way done, and he's not even a year old yet! pretty sweet.

this kid L-O-V-E-S his tongue. he sticks out his tongue constantly and it is the cutest thing ever. he's blowing bubbles with his mouth, and loves to smile! he hasn't cut any teeth yet, so i'll enjoy his gummy smile for as long as i can. his big blue eyes will melt your heart, and those ears...i could eat them! they're SO FLIPPING CUTE. 

colby is still obsessed with liam, and laughs and smiles whenever he's around him. poor kid has been through a lot with liam jumping on him, kicking him, poking his eyes out...you get the jist. but with everything that liam has done to him, it's almost as if those things magnify his love for liam even more! these two already have such a special bond, and i cannot wait for that relationship to continue to blossom. 

snapshots of colby's sixth month of life, enjoy!

happy six months, colby george!
love you to pieces.

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