Thursday, March 24, 2016

four months.

wow, another month has flown by! the clock just keeps on ticking...when did my newborn baby get so chunky and squishy and even more adorable? ugh, this kid rocks.

what's new with the colbster?

he loves playing peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, this little piggy, and reading books. he's already super close to rolling over, and loves to do baby sit-ups. this kid is super strong, and i'm pretty sure i'm going to have my hands full once this kid goes mobile. but for now, i'm going to savor the moments where i can lay him down in one place and he'll be there five minutes later. i just know that i'm going to blink and he's going to be married, graduated from college and President of the United States. but let's just start with solid food for now. 

he's started to discover that he has a voice, and that it can be loud. i will leave him in a room for a few minutes while i go to the opposite side of the house to do something, and i can hear him squealing. not because he's sad, he just loves doing it! he has little fits of delight where his eyes get really big, he starts kicking his legs, and squeals as loud as he possibly can! it's seriously adorable. 

he thinks his brother is the funniest thing on this planet. liam could sit next to him reading a book and colby will be cracking up. he loves being around him! even when he gets pelted by a block or toy car, he just shakes it off and laughs. it's every parent's hope that their kiddos will get along, but i'm pretty sure these two are going to be bffs. 

one of the best things that's happened this past month is that colby enjoys being in the car now! after reaching out for help with what to do, we followed advice and put colby in a convertible car seat that is more L-shaped rather than his infant seat which is C-shaped. and let me tell you, it has worked wonders! not only is he happier in the car, he falls asleep! hallelujah! we aren't listening to ear-splitting screams any time we go anywhere. it's pretty awesome.

he has also discovered that mommy and daddy's bed is extremely comfortable, and apparently way more comfortable than his own. little stinker. we are going to sleep train him soon, but while he's battling a nasty cough and cold, we've held off. the second we try and lay him down in his own bed, he instantly opens his exhausted eyes, lifts up his head and shrieks like we just laid him on a bed of hot coals, thus resulting in him sleeping in bed with us. john and i are on a thin wire of our sanity, and cannot wait to get this kid sleep-trained and in his own room. but for now, i'll enjoy the wonderful jabs in the back and fist punches to the face in the middle of the night. oh, the joys of being a parent! 

on a more real-life note...this kid is the gassiest, stinkiest baby i've ever smelled in my entire life. this kid can cut some serious cheese! i guess you can't have everything, right? 

enjoy some snapshots of colby's fourth month of life. we sure love our colby george!

happy four months, colby george!

liam wanted to join in on the fun, so here are some of my favorite outtakes:

love these two. 

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