Friday, April 3, 2015

friday night thoughts: a tough week.

as i sit here typing, i have tears running down my face.

this week has been a nightmare. 

stress at john's work, anxiety, inadequacy, frustration, the list goes on and on. i sometimes ask myself, why did we move here? why did we move even further away from family than we were before? why why why?

we know why. it's because we were supposed to move here. after applying to jobs for months and not receiving any word, john had a connection with a guy out here and boom! it just clicked. we felt a pull towards here, and knew that we were supposed to be here for some reason. we packed up our life in illinois, and made our way to the east coast. we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, and we were excited about that! but honestly? i don't see us living here for very much longer. we both enjoy being tourists in a big city, but living here is a different story. we are enjoying it as much as we can, but east coast living is not for us. 

thankfully, there are people here that have made our lives here so much easier. we've made some great friends at church, and we are so thankful for all of their generosity, and love and support. a lot of them are in the same boat as us, and we are so grateful for their support. 

anyway, pity party/rant over. our lives are not a endless pit of despair. we love life and try and make the most of the situation that we are given. we love to explore new places, and we've had a lot of really fun opportunities and experiences here. we are just itching to head back west closer to family. that's all!

spring is finally here, everyone! yay! the cherry blossom trees are starting to blossom, the daffodils and tulips are opening and spring has finally come. the cherry blossom festival is going on, and i am so excited for my sister hannah to come! it's going to be an incredible ten days with her here. my best friend, a piece of home with me, it's going to be amazing. tuesday can't come soon enough!

i'm so excited for general conference to start tomorrow. the messages of peace, love and hope that the leaders of our church bring are so uplifting and make me feel closer to home. i'm thankful for this wonderful weekend every april and october. i encourage anyone and everyone to watch it. watch it here:

sorry for the short post, but it's been a long week, and john and i are exhausted. off to bed for us here in the fryhoff home!

cheers to a better week ahead, and for the beauty that each new day brings.

good night, everybody! have a wonderful and beautiful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. We've all been at that point where we wonder, "Why the heck did I move 1,000 miles away from our family?!" I hope that you enjoy some of the great things out here while you're here! That's what has helped me! And lots of Skype calls with family of course :)
