Friday, March 27, 2015

friday night thoughts: good deeds + a poncho wearing baby.


i am going home in june for a whole TWENTY FOUR days, and I CANNOT WAIT. i am counting down the days. and then, after that wonderful trip, i'm heading to utah to visit my best friend in salt lake city! i'm so so so excited! it's going to be a fun month.

we just got back from cafe rio, a.k.a. heaven. i am currently sporting a food baby full of a chicken salad, horchata, and chips and salsa. oh man...those homemade torillas. they get me every time. but personally, my favorite part is the traditional mexican horchata. yummy in my tummy. i could drink that all the time if i had the choice. so delicious.

it's been a pretty fun week! a trip to the farm, multiple play dates, teaching voice lessons- life has just been plugging along over here. john is being worked to the bone, but he does it with a smile on his face and always comes home willing to help pick up the pieces here at home. it's been quite the past few months here in virginia. ups, downs and in-betweens. we are having a lot of family coming which has been so fun, and we've made a lot of friends. it's been great, although sometimes it can be lonely. but we are trying the best we can to stay positive while we are so spread out from family!

we had a great week, but the news this week has been pretty bleak. another plane crash that was deliberate and intentional, a bomb threat at a mall five minutes from our apartment complex, and yet another child neglect/abuse case in some small town in wisconsin. gosh, this world is changing so fast. there is so much bad out there, and it makes me terrified to even walk down the street, but i strongly believe that there is opposition in all things. there is so much good in this world. 

that guy helping an old woman walk across the busy street, that snuggle from an extremely active toddler, watching someone give a homeless person a granola bar and a water bottle, that person paying for someone else's restaurant bill, and so much more. the sun is starting to shine again, and the world is starting to smile. we all need to help each other, uplift each other, do the extra deed to help make someone smile. even smiling at someone can change an entire person's day! my challenge to everyone this week is to do something kind for someone that you don't know. someone at the store, someone on the street, someone at your school, etc. do something kind for someone, i'll do it too! 

one act of kindness can send a ripple effect that can reach the farthest edges of our earth. go for it!

we have been going to bed so early recently- we are both so pooped at the end of the day, we just can't help it! tonight is no exception. we are both exhausted from a long week. cannot wait for our church easter egg hunt tomorrow morning as well as a beautiful Sabbath day on Sunday. i love spiritual nourishment. it helps me make it through the week with my head held high.

i'm so grateful for prayer, and for the blessings that it brings into our lives. liam has learned to bow his head and fold his arms and mutter gibberish before eating his dinner, and it makes me tear up every single time. i wonder what he is saying in his prayers, but i know that God hears him and that makes me so happy. 

i'm feeling so grateful for what i have. a roof over my head, a healthy body, a wonderful marriage to a wonderful man, a handsome little boy, food for energy and nourishment, and so much more. life is good peeps. so, so good!

and for your enjoyment, my adorable son in a poncho. you're welcome.

have a wonderful and blissful weekend, everyone!

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