Friday, March 13, 2015

friday night thoughts: an unfortunate incident + family memories.

hi everybody!

it's been a crazy, but awesome whirlwind of a week!

john's sister and her husband flew up from oklahoma for his training conference here in DC, and we got to spend a whole week with them! we had a blast and made so many fun memories together. 

but before i talk about all of the wonderful things that happened, there was one particular incident that turned a super fun night into a sour night of tears and frustration.

on wednesday night, our car got towed from our apartment complex. TOWED.

i would never wish that upon anyone, for that is one of the scariest and most violating incidents that i've ever experienced. walking outside to the parking lot looking for your car and realizing that it's not there was gut-wrenching. the frustrating part is that we had our flashers on while we parked in front of our building because we were carrying up things and unloading the car after a long day of fun. we weren't even upstairs in our apartment for ten minutes, and when we came back down, our car was gone. after having a long conversation with the towing company, who was extremely unpleasant and unfriendly, we found a friend to take us to the towing yard (thanks rachel!), and found our car in a sketchy gravel lot surrounded by barbed wire with a camping trailer. it was the only car in the lot. sooooo sketchy. thankfully, we were able to get our car back after paying a major fee (ugh!), and were able to bring it home. i was a mess. crying and crying, i could not believe what had just happened.

when i was living in hawaii, my house got robbed and my precious Macbook Pro computer was taken, as well as my car keys, my roommate's computer, hard drive, and many other precious things. just...gone. forever. it was a heartbreaking experience, and this experience of having our car towed felt similar to me only thankfully we got it back! it is terrifying to think that someone can just take your car without you even knowing! so scary, and i never wish that on anyone. 

oh well, lesson learned.

now, on to the good stuff.

having family in town is the absolute best. playing a tourist in your own town is so much fun, and having family there to enjoy it with you only makes it better. my sister-in-law did a lot of the museums on her own during the day, and my brother-in-law had trainings all day. but on thursday, i got to spend the entire day with my sister-in-law, and it was absolutely amazing. i loved spending time with her. we laughed together, cried together, talked all day about anything and everything, enjoyed good lebanese food, walked around georgetown, shopped, ate cupcakes at Baked and Wired (AMAZING), and my favorite part of all- we visited the Arlington National Cemetery.

for those of you that haven't gone to visit that yet, DO IT TOMORROW. seriously, it is one of the coolest experiences i've had in a long, long time. we visited President Kennedy's grave, watched the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, and were amazed at all of graves of the people who sacrificed themselves for our country. it is so amazing to me how people are willing to give up their lives for this wonderful nation, and i salute them and appreciate everyone in our military and armed forces for their selfless sacrifice and service. it was an experience that i will never forget!

liam loved spending time with his aunt joni and uncle brennan!

 today, before we drove them back to the airport (sad day!), we went to a restaurant called District Taco. some of the best mexican food i've had in a long time. think of it as a glorified chipotle...yup. it's that amazing. and very well priced as well. we will definitely be returning customers.

anywho, peeps, this week's thoughts are going to be short because we are so pooped from a fun-filled week, but i do want to say a few quick thoughts.

i am SO thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. i'm thankful for worthy Priesthood holders who can give blessings to those who need them at the drop of a hat. i'm so grateful for the love that i have for my Savior, and the love that He has for me, even when i do things wrong and make mistakes. He is always there for us, and knows what we need. i'm so thankful for that knowledge in my life. 

i hope that you all have a wonderful friday night, and a blissful weekend.

this was taken in national harbor, maryland right next to where john works, isn't that incredible? a beautiful sunset over the potomac river. yes please.

our fabulous, warm, cozy, comfy bed is calling our name. 

good night, folks!

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