on the day he turned four months, we started him on solids. before this, john and i had both felt that he just wasn't satisfied on a liquid-only diet. this theory was proven at his doctor's appointment when we found out that liam was STILL between the 5th and 10th percentile for weight. people were telling us that you weren't supposed to start solids until he turned six months, but we didn't mind. with our pediatrician's blessing, we made the decision to start solids and we are so glad that we did. he's been gaining weight, and he's been sleeping so much better. he's eaten rice cereal, oatmeal and brown rice cereal so far. we will be starting vegetables soon!
speaking of sleep, liam was having major sleeping issues. his naps were 30-60 minutes at best, and he would sleep for only an hour or two at a time at night. needless to say, all three of us were running extremely ragged. thanks to my friend christina, she introduced us to the book "On Becoming Babywise". in a matter of a week, it completely changed our lives, and i mean that in every single way. liam is taking 3-4 solid naps a day, and sleeping at least 7-9 hours per night which means that mommy and daddy are getting a full night's rest as well. i highly recommend this book to anyone, it is a life saver!
as i've been sitting here typing, i look over and see my husband rocking liam to sleep in his arms. i am so thankful for the amazing father that john is. he is so helpful and loves doing whatever is needed! even after a long day at work, he comes home and immediately wants to help with liam. liam loves his daddy so much. they are best buddies, and it makes my heart smile everyday seeing their friendship grow.
liam loves when his daddy reads to him.
just hanging out with daddy.
yup, best buddies forever.
speaking of best buddies, liam has another best buddy. and her name is maya.
i've had the privilege of watching maya many times, and i absolutely love this little girl to death. her mom is my best friend, and we were pregnant at the exact same time always checking up on each other, and asking each other questions about anything and everything. it's so amazing seeing our two little beautiful creations play together and become best friends. i just love these little munchkins so much, and it's going to break my heart if we leave the chicago area for our next job move. but until then, i'm just going to enjoy every moment i can with maya and her awesome parents. and i know liam will too.
oh, by the way...liam and maya? you guys are getting married. it's happening.
i mean seriously, how adorable will their children be?
what else has been happening this past month of liam's life?
we call him our little bear cub. he loves to grab his feet!
he took his first dip in a swimming pool! he wasn't quite sure what to think of it at first, but at the end, he loved it. he screamed when we took him out!
we took a trip home to washington to watch my little sister sharlee perform at the high school dance team state championship. liam loved it!
my little sister hannah is an amazing photographer, and she took some awesome pictures of liam!
liam LOVES looking at himself in the mirror...seriously loves it!
our family's first trip to wisconsin, and the jelly belly factory!
he loves his sophie the giraffe.
and liam's first Easter! i may be biased, but he is definitely THE cutest little bunny on this planet.
happy five months, sweet boy! mommy and daddy love you so much.
oh yeah, and did i mention that liam can ROLL OVER? he's growing up way too fast.
I am so glad you tried it and found success so quickly! It's amazing the difference it can make, huh? He's such a cutie! We'll have to try the jelly belly factory soon... Been here over 7 years and still haven't been! Thanks for the update. I've been wondering how things have been. :)