Friday, May 15, 2015

friday night thoughts: blueberries & bed bugs.

howdy, everyone!

first of all, thank you all so much for your text messages, phone calls, facebook messages and more congratulating us on our soon-to-be new addition to our little family! if you haven't had a chance to watch our announcement video, check it out here. big, huge thanks to my extremely talented sister hannah for putting it together for us. we are beyond thrilled for small fry #2 to make their appearance this november. 

and, thank you all for being patient with me with me not posting as often as i want to. the past six weeks have been pretty jam-packed with family visits, doctor's appointments, and...a bed bug infestation. it's been pretty crazy, but we are so thankful for the love and support from our friends and loved ones. and don't worry, the bed bugs are taken care of. we think we brought them home with us in our suitcases from our trip to florida back in february. after we got back from our trip, we noticed that john was getting these red bumps all over his body. we first thought of bed bugs, but i wasn't get bit at all so we ruled that out as an option. but a while later, we discovered them one night when liam woke up around midnight screaming which woke both of us up. i rolled over to try and fall back asleep when all of the sudden, i saw a small brown bug crawling across our bed. i instantly screamed and john caught it with his fingers. with john's knowledge of bedbugs in the hotel industry, he knew it was a bedbug. we then stayed up until 5:00 AM bagging up all of our belongings in garbage bags, with liam waking up the next day at 7:00 AM. ugh! thankfully, after two chemical treatments, the bug inspector says we are in the clear. hallelujah! a word of caution to everyone: wash/dry all of your clothes after a trip, thoroughly inspect your suitcases, and don't store suitcases under your bed. after going through this experience once, we would never wish this horror upon anyone! but anywho, life is good! we are so thankful that it's over (fingers crossed!).

i just started a book last night, and i'm already 100 pages into it! it's called, I Was Here by gayle forman, and i love it! i've always been a bookworm, and love when i find books that i love on my own. it's the bessst! another book that i just finished reading is called Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh. there were nights where i was rolling on the ground with tears running down my face from laughing so hard. what do you like to read?

my favorite cereal in the entire world is frosted mini shredded wheats. oh. em. gee. get in my belly! mmm, yum yum yum! i'm also a fan of blueberries. i could eat an entire two pound carton of blueberries in one sitting...nom nom nom. cravings at their finest!

i was writing a card to someone the other day, and i realized something...i have pretty horrible handwriting. does anyone know of ways i can train myself to have better handwriting? even when i try and take the time to make my handwriting look nice, it still is sloppy. does anyone else feel this way? 

the sun is out, the weather is nice and hot, and we are loving going to the park on a daily basis. this little guy is growing into a little man before our eyes. one of our favorite things to do together is go to a park called gravelly point park. it's a big, grassy park located right next to reagan national airport. the planes fly directly overhead, and they feel so close that you can almost touch them! and it's pretty amazing. today, liam and i went there and sat down next to each other on a park bench as we watched the planes fly over us. me and my little man just watching planes, it was super fun and relaxing. with every plane that came in to land, he was mesmerized and pointing at the airplane with wide, excited eyes. he's a true boy, through and through. as much as i wish we could live closer to family, we have a lot of fun memories we are making together here! i'm going to enjoy every second i have with my little man while he's my one and only baby. november will be here before we know it!

hope you all have a wonderful, rejuvenating weekend!

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