Wednesday, May 13, 2015

a special announcement.

hello, everyone! it has been a long time since i've blogged, but what better way to return than to announce this:

small fry #2 is on its way!

i am currently twelve weeks pregnant, and our baby's due date is november 25th. for those of you who don't know, liam's birthday is november 22nd. so, these babies are going to be exactly two years apart! we are beyond thrilled for our family to grow, and are excited to learn the gender in the next few weeks! this will be grandbaby #3 for my parents. my sister corynn is pregnant with a little girl due in august, and i'm excited for our babies to be so close together!

so, how have i been feeling? um, SO SICK. when i was pregnant with liam, i threw up a grand total of three times. this pregnancy is a completely different story. everything makes me sick! all i want to do is lay down and sleep all day every day, but with an extremely active eighteen month old, that doesn't happen too often. other than the sickness and exhaustion, i am doing well! hopefully now that i'm closer to the second trimester, the nausea and queasiness will go away. fingers crossed!

my cravings? kettle chips (i may or may not have eaten a whole bag in one sitting- oops!), fruit, fruit, and more fruit, pasta, ice cream, and water! water water water! i can't get enough of it, which is definitely a good thing. except for the fact that i have to pee every five minutes, but eh, it's all worth it! 

feelings on gender? we will be so grateful for either a boy or a girl, but my guess is that it's a girl. i was right with liam, and we will see if i'm right with this sweet baby! either way, we will be so happy!

i cannot believe that we are almost already into our second trimester. this pregnancy has definitely flown by, and i'm starting to panic a little. many questions in my mind are swirling around: our little rascal is already a handful enough, how in the heck do you handle two?! how will liam react to not being the center of attention anymore? he's so young to understand that i have a baby growing in my belly, how do i help him feel excited to be a big brother? it all seems overwhelming at the moment, but i know that everything will work out and when this baby makes its wonderful arrival, that liam will slip into the role of big brother without any problems. right? anyone else had any feelings similar to this?

despite all of these overwhelming feelings, john and i are so thrilled to be parents again. i'll never forget the sunday morning back in march when i found out i was pregnant. after taking the test, i instantly started crying. i was so excited! it all seemed so surreal. i had gotten up to get ready for church, while both of my boys were still snoozing away. i ran into our bedroom, jumped on our bed, leaned over and kissed john on the cheek and said, "guess what?". john rolled over and said grunting, "what?". the words, "you're going to be a daddy again!" spun out of my mouth in excitement. he immediately turned to me with gleaming eyes and a look of shock! it was a beautiful moment that i'll never forget. when i went and picked liam up out of his room that morning, i held and hugged him so tight. he was the reason i became a mother, and i'm so excited for him to become a big brother. 

we are so grateful for the love and support from our family and friends, and look forward to sharing our journey with small fry #2 with you!
{photo cred: Hannah Fine Photography}

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