did you hear that? TWO MONTH OLD. i've said it once, and i know i'll say it for the rest of my son's life.
time seriously flies, people.
this past month has been so much fun watching liam grow. he's started cooing and smiling so big whenever john or i are near him. he has become much more interactive with us as we talk to him, sing to him, and play with him. every smile that appears on liam's face makes me melt into a puddle of mom goo. i just love it. he loves playing with dangling toys, and likes to make fists and box with us. this kid LIVES for baths. we started bathing him in the kitchen sink, and the second we place him in the water, he gets so happy. he sits in the warm water and soaks it all in as if he's in his own personal hot tub. what a goofball. he also loves getting his diaper changed. when we set him on the changing table, he gets so happy and starts kicking his little legs out of pure excitement. it's pretty hilarious. we've been working on getting a good sleeping schedule in place, and so far it's been working. he's averaging about 6-7 hours straight before waking up to feed which has been fabulous.
liam's two month stats: 9 pounds 7 ounces, 23 and a quarter inches long, and his head is 37 cm around. 75th percentile for height, 10th percentile for weight, and 25th percentile for head circumference. he is a long and skinny boy. he also received his first round of major vaccinations which about killed me. i cried more than liam did! i've got to say, watching and hearing him cry and scream was extremely torturous, but i know that it will be good for him in the long run.
here is our sweet liam, all grown up to two months.
the one eyebrow raise.
all ready for church.
a new winter hat.
mohawk in the bath.
love this kid.
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