Wednesday, November 9, 2016

eleven months.

hey everyone! it's been awhile, and this post is a few weeks late, oops. john and i went on a fabulous kidless vacation to california, and we left our boys with my parents. since we've been back, i feel like it's taken awhile to finally get back into our routine, and my little part of the blogosphere has been neglected. so, here's a quick catch-up on what the colbster is up to!

colby is crawling on his hands and knees, sleeping twelve hours at night (*cue the hallelujah chorus*) loves going down the slide, and could swing for hours. he hates wearing socks, loves the magic house, and his baby blue eyes still kill us on a daily basis. he loves playing with pots and pans, pulling the movies out of the tv stand drawers, and he loves food. when this kid sees his food being prepared, he crawls to me and starts to squawk and squeal and giggle until i put him in his high chair to eat. and when he eats, he devours his food so fast. the second i put his food on his chair tray, it's already gobbled up. and the thing is, he eats so much food but is still so itty bitty! he's always been pretty average for his weight, but he is very long. liam was the same way. my babies are long and skinny. another similarity between the two boys is that liam started to walk at eleven months, and colby is definitely following suit. he is starting to take multiple steps without holding onto anything, and i cannot even believe my eyes. part of me is so excited and happy to see him hit his milestones, but the other part of me is starting to freak out about how i'm going to keep track of two little boys running around everywhere. we will see how it all goes! 

it seems as if it was only yesterday that i first held colby in my arms, and his first birthday is almost here! time seriously flies, people. cannot wait to celebrate our sweet guy so soon!

photo dump from the past month, go!

happy eleven months and sixteen days, colby george.

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